The swift spread of a new novel coronavirus has taken the entire world by surprise, leaving millions of people around the world — Mainers included — confused and anxious as health experts and elected officials at every level have called for and, in some cases, imposed strict measures to limit movement and social interaction. The goal is to prevent community transmission by people who do not realize they have been infected by the disease, COVID-19, which has been contracted by nearly 235,000 people around the world and caused the death of more than 9,800.These photos show how the realities brought on by the global pandemic are affecting Maine residents and institutions.

Augusta, Maine — 03/19/20 — Certified deaf interpreter Regan Thibodeau works with Maine CDC Director Dr. Nirav Shah at a press conference in Augusta on Thursday. Thibodeau has emerged as a celebrity with her expressive interpretations of the daily coronavirus briefings. (Troy R. Bennett/BDN)

ELLSWORTH, Maine — 03/20/20 — An electronic sign next to Union Street in Ellsworth advises that Maine Coast Hospital is not allowing visitors due to concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. (Bill Trotter/BDN)

Hampden, Maine — March 20, 2020 — Katie Worster does school work with her daughters Elise (left) and Quinn (center) and Addie (right) on Friday morning at their home in Hampden. Worster is one of many parents who is now balancing work and teaching her three children at home since schools have closed down to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. (Linda Coan O’Kresik/BDN)

Hampden, Maine — March 19, 2020 — Anglers Restaurant in Hampden closed to the public on Wednesday until April 1. Many businesses are feeling the hardship from the coronavirus. (Linda Coan O’Kresik/BDN)

PORTLAND, MAINE — 03/2/20 — A worker at Whole Foods in Portland sanitizes a shopping cart on Friday. Some supermarket workers say their employers don’t have enough safeguards or policies in place — like paid sick leave — to keep them safe during the coronavirus pandemic, yet they continue to work out of necessity. (Troy R. Bennett/BDN)

Valerie Remilard uses the drive-thru window to pick up her order at Dunkin’ Donuts, Thursday, March 19, 2020, in Lewiston, Maine. Since the lobby was closed due to the coronavirus, she waited in line along with motorists where they normally do not allow walkups. (Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal via AP)

ELLSWORTH, Maine — 03/20/20 — Traffic cones and Jersey barriers block off a drive-thru testing tent at Maine Coast Hospital in Ellsworth on Friday, March 20, 2020. State health officials said Friday that no Hancock County residents had tested positive yet for COVID-19. (Bill Trotter/BDN)